Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tahoe Whiteout 2011

Anyone who is not listening to Smoke Ring for my Halo is nuts.

Anyways, Clan McKenna back from Lake Tahoe - caveat, we assume we were proximate to the Lake, never really saw that puddle - blizzard conditions. Arrived to this, 30" of fresh Yeti flakes.

Lucky for us, these two leprechauns dug us out of the worst of it.

The Players:

We immediately made meatballs, in anticipation of milk / bread shortages.

Tiny on stories, night one. These two speak a secret language.

Mom on entertainment.

Snowsuits by Kenna. Snowballs by JB McToots.

Lodge Foxes!

First day on slopes, picked the right day to start snowboarding.

Squire Beav, pre-pommel ride.

Night two, Beav on honors.

The Volvo would have totally not done this.

Apres Shredding.

Arts and crabs.

Sweetest baby ever. She only cries when she needs to party.



Somewhere near Reno.

We totally have video coming. Blessed to be surrounded by fine, fine folks. Always a gas, gassy even. Goals for next year:

1. Shred at all endeavors
2. Get totally bitchin'
3. Refrain from ski jargon, e.g "freshies" and "pow pow"
4. Ski pantsless
5. But ski pants

In that order.


p.s. when I go to Guyana, this is what I'm supposed to be doing:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Invasion, part 2

A few highlights A-man missed...
A visit from the divine Adam:

It was also Spring Break last week, so no school.
Jane's first trip to the Nature & Science Center:

Mini cooking class:

Meanwhile, Mom got to see an impromptu
parking lot concert by one of her favorites:

And the queen of the porch, SXSW edition:

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Brooklyn visited this week. It's SXSW. Means 30,000 pairs of tight jeans and painter caps wolfing down hot dogs and waiting in line for Lady Gaga. We did OK.

The new agency band, AKA Jessee's Girls, opened the music portion of the festival on Tuesday. I'd compare our sound to that of the VOLVO - the wheels always seem to be leaving the vehicle amid the rattles and hums.

The set: Bowie, Thin Lizzy, REM, Room Clear.

Gig groupies.

Jane rad run of the roof.

St. Patty's Day in the middle of all of it. The Leprechauns dyed Jane's milk green, she was terrified.

Managed to see some pretty great music over the four days. This was TBird and the Breaks, Gibson Showroom.

Black Joe Lewis, about to take stage with the Honeybears.

Honeybears guitar.

Menomena, Deja Vu.

Highlight for dad, Kurt Vile.

Milwaukee's Finest, Jaill, Sub Pop showcase.

Obits, killer set.

Jane clearly not feeling it.

She did dig this guy.

Mama got into the micheladas. Jane pounding lemonade.

Wanda Jackson, telling Elvis stories.

Cave Singers.

Look who we ran into.

Black Angels.

Trying to keep up with the cool kids, fail.

Luckily, little competition at work:

And from tonight, dinner with Stanley the Great Lumax, who snapped this leaving the Whip In.

Here's a video I took of Black Joe Lewis, worth a gander: