Monday, January 25, 2010

Reign of J's

I'm playing ball again, at Crockett High School gym. They are the Cougars, and their facilities are about equivalent to Wake circa '85. Not too shabby, but no Westlake, home of Drew Brees. Who dat? That place is where the Ivan Drago training scenes were filmed in Rocky 11.

My game has really evolved. I collect abuse efficiently, yell "and one" without consideration, and usually come home an organ or two light. Oddly, my scoring hasn't suffered. And if you've balled with me, you know what that means. These are my not really performance-wear kicks.

Mom got new flippers too. Fancy!

This is our new taco joint. Jane prefers the Pastor at La Guera, but the fella here is a mind reader.

The aforementioned, outfit by Ambriel and the Modfather.

And one.

My photo shoot for the FC SCURVY roadshow. Congrats to Cap'n Scurvy, who tallied a bunch of stats recently.

Mom's luxury tramsport, at the Greenbelt.

Which ain't stroller friendly. This was borderline humiliating. Dad, ready the Ergo.

Phoneline, direct to DJ Lance Rock.

Playdate, as imagined by Highlights.

SPOON, free show, Waterloo records parking lot. New record is alright.

Consider the column left.

Jane station.

My ongoing series of small merit. Blackbirds and Segway nerds.

And the requisite hoo-haw, to little avail.

If you're reading this, click here. Part of my pledge to accumulate more clicks than the GEORGEREPORT, which has a substantial lead in the office $2 bill skill raffle.

1 comment:

BookBlogger said...

ha. Donkey basketball.