Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tell me the one about Blue Wolf and the Buffalo eaters

Standing O for Mr. Rooney. For all you Bombers and Bandits out there, keep drilling.

It's been a week. Mom's a little under the weather, Janebug has a cold. Dad is expanding in bad places. No chance to avenge myself from last week's five consecutive turnover performance at the C.H.S. gym. Game canceled this week on account of revolution being in the air and Coach P being MIA.

On a super positive, Lissy and Mike visited. AKA Jane's big friends. Videos being cut and calibrated, but we do have snaps below.

Kicking things off, foodstuffs from the Superbowl party hosted by C. Newman and Kristina. Charles crushed the Edwards ham, I made Brunswick Stew. Which nobody had ever heard of. Wholefoods was not carrying coon OR squirrel last week, so this a chicken version.

My favorite shot of the new year. That's the dream pairing of Revolta with Coach Mike Ditka. A state treasure, this mural. $10 to whomever can ID the lower right accordian player.

Jane, post-thaw, JC Penny catalogue shoot practice.

We had the wagon out on Saturday. The wheels literally fell off Sunday.

Porch songs with Mike and Lissy.

Saturday night was preschool PROM. Wow.

We had to cut that dress off her.

For the rockers, heavy rotation vids from Camp Drake. This first one, a total slammer, thank Chauncey. These guys will be at SXSW.

From the Plow, the soundtrack to our housecleaning. Mighty Black Taj.

Jane's Jam:

Where they're Southern, Carolina:

The Kings of Chitown, never gets old.

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