Sunday, August 28, 2011

Parfait Fairies

Everybody asks us, how do you find Texas? Answer, molten:

It was actually hotter here than in Phoenix today. As already pointed out, we clearly have hurricane envy. On the subject of envy, my new ride, an '89 OJ Bronco, with tan interior and working ash trays.

Meant to post this stuff last week, but scenes from the girls Charlotte visit. Apparently a child mob descended on Queens Road on a cup cake hunt.
Virginia & Frank:

Court headed for the Kiddie Car Wash

Tyler & Harper in the princess tent

Tea Party with Evelyn, Leslie, Jane and Otto

Fireman Francie

Evelyn, Otto and Wallace

Coco, with the comedians.

PB&J with sprinkles.

Mohawk tub party with McNair.

For about 3 weeks now, we've been hearing rumblings from the attic. I called animal control, got a quote for $800 to eradicate the varmints, told we undoubtedly have rats. Evidence to the contrary, and BB gun purchase imminent.

SHINER / BIRD'S Block party. Oompa band.

Top Trucker.

Best thing I've put in my mouth 2011.

Daytona and thereabouts.

Baloney Bar.

Man eating grasshoppers.

Johnny Damon's bedroom, seriously.

McJ Boat Party. Rick Ross:

And finally, Phoenix. All McKennas recalled to Exeter for fete in honor of the moms. Love you moms.

Here's one. Jane on evac instructions, flight home.


Anonymous said...

future airline attendant McKenna reporting for duty! Lissy

My creativity said...

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