Saturday, December 29, 2012

Best of 2012

Merry Christmas Wand Wielders!

I got a Dungeons and Dragons shirt for the birthday. Kid collects small baubles and keeps a fairy garden.

Annual list of all things doing, Texas Style. Annual caveat, it's only here if we paid for it. And we didn't buy that much, diapers and new HVAC unit mostly.

Good year for tunes though. Could have gotten more from the Canadians.

Hope you're all plumped, pumped and gassed for 2013. Year of the water dragon, fitness, dentistry.

The first one might be my favorite, the rest are equally contributing.


1. The Men "Open Your Heart"

Thoroughly uncomplicated, like most shit should be

2. Could Nothings "Attack on Memory"

Thoroughly complicated, like good directions should be

3. Thee Oh Sees "Putrifers II"

Because Molly Hatchet didn't put out a record this year

4. Jaill "Traps"

What I practice my flare guitar to

5. Tame Impala "Lonerism"

"Impala", automatic inclusion

6. Woods "Bend Beyond"

Our Brooklyn moment

7. Soft Pack "Strapped"

Hair loss, alcoholism, middling expectations, etc.

8. Ty Segall & White Fence

It Boy + Strange Boy

9. Orwells "Remember When"

Doubt they'll / it will age well

10. Alabama Shakes  "Boys & Girls"

Heavy rotation on the mellow mommy playlist

Moderately hon. mentions: Walkmen, METZ, Menomena, Cat Power, Beach House, Grizzly Bear, pretty sure GBV made several possible listenable records. Trying to get into Converge and shit. Heavy rotation, very unreleased in 2012:

Jim Croce
Van Morrison
fIREHOSE, always
Flatt & Scruggs
Walter Egan
Black Taj
War on Drugs
Number One Cup
Grant Green
Bill Evans
Brubeck, all of it
And silkworm

A very decent mix tape:

"Hollywood Forever Cemetery" Father John Misty
"The Match" The Eastern Sea
"Teenage Dreams" Nada Surf
"Everyone's a Bitch Tonight" Jaill
"Sad Pricks" METZ
"I was born in a Laundromat" Divine Fits (cover)
"Open Your Heart" The Men
"No Future / No Past" Cloud Nothings
"Sleeping Ute" Grizzly Bear
"Ruin" Cat Power
"Friends of Friends" Hospitality
"House that Heaven Built" Japandroids
"Cruel Summer" Superchunk (cover)
"Tallboy" Soft Pack
"Home of the Grave" Black Breath
"Pumped Up Kicks" USHER (cover)

- AND -

Jane's favorite song, 2012: "Love Cats" by the Cure.


Safe House
Cabin in the Woods
Kill List
Snow White and the Huntsmen
21 Jump Street


The Hobbit

(haven't even seen it yet)


Refused, FFFF
Seaweed, Mohawk
Nada Surf, Do512 Lounge
Thee Oh Sees / Ty Segall, La Zona Rosa
Super Creeps, Bobby John's 40th Bday party
The Men, SXSW
Real Estate, Mohawk
Robert Ellis, Trans Pecos, Marfa
Heartless Bastards, Trans Pecos, Marfa
Johnny Corndawg, Eastside


Ommegang - Biere De Garde
Ommegang / Liefmans's - Zuur
Russian River - Pliny the Elder
Russian River - Beatification
Jester King - Gotlandsdricka
Jester King - Drinkin' in the sunbelt
New Belgium - La Folie
New Belgium - Shift
New Belgium -  Fresh Hop
New Belgium - Biere De Garde
Austin Beerworks - Fire Eagle
Austin Beerworks - Einhorn
Rogness - Boomslang
Dogfish - Burton Baton
Six Point - Bengali


Jane: 4.5
Mary Austin: 1
Dad: jumped shark
Fly rods owned: 6
Cost to A-man to catch a snook: $3500
Trips to emergency room: 0
Trips to P. Terry's Burger Stand: 30+
Avg. ABV: 6.5%
Dollars accidentally paid for Imogene and Willie Jeans: $260

Meal of the year......

Verdolagas taco at Papalote.


Runners up, Beav's turkey burgers, dinner at Gruner in Portland, La Olada, Uruguay.

Send corrections.



1 comment:

Toby Bryce said...

Happy New Year, People.

Whither the Jibber Jabber??? Let's hear it.

For my part:

Cosign the McK:
Woods -- Bend Beyond -- record and show OTY -- srsly
The Tame Imps -- Feels like we only go bkwds = huge hit -- missed show of the year (for me) and now they're moved on to the execrable T5
Cloud Nothings -- good record
FJM -- the Hollywood Cemetery song in particular
2nd best show -- Oh Sees b/w Ty Segall at the Death By Audio --
My personal thoughts:
SPIRITUALIZED -- So Long You Pretty Thing -- would have sounded great on headphones with bourbon in the NE corner of 179
Lotus Plaza -- Monoliths -- tides us over nicely until the next DH
Japandroids -- House That Heaven Built -- big hit
Apologies in advance but I like that Beach House record
The Grizzle -- Yet Again -- runner-up SOTY
The Savages -- absolutely blew out the Bk Vegan showcase at CMJ -- defeating, among others, METZ and the FOXYGEN

Radio SOTY:
Kanye et. al. -- MERCY -- two words: a$$ quake

Radio also-rans:
MIA -- bad girls -- My Chain Hits My Chest
And of course CALL ME MAYBE + GANGAM -- both hits in any centruy
Otherwise a tough year on the airwaves

For your listening (dis)pleasure: