Jonah Hill is roughly the same size as volkswagon, looks like fun
Andy Samburg has Munchausen thighs
Scarlett J. has manners
Steve Earle is exactly Steve Earle
Alicia Silverstone requires hair and make-up, Cameron Diaz doesn't
Matthew Perry is rudderless, wears leather bomber jacket
The flying tomato will soon be grounded.
Anyways, flew back to NYC with the LA Guns, coach class, Jet Blue. Worth a google.
More importantly, had a fabulous Easter with the whole crew. Check out my awesome parents:
I'm not supposed to post pics of the Beav without permission, but this one's a killer. That's grape juice, of course:
Table of contents, note JJ's resemblance to SPHINX:
What's got two thumbs and likes ham?
My other lady crushes:
More shortly.