Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weekend with the GrandBeavers

Last Friday we left for our first weekend away without the Janebug. We dropped her at the Charlotte airport en route to Texas. Handoff went smoothly, and within minutes of arrival Chez Beaver she discovered my old circus set, refrigerator magnets, her own kitchen and cooking supplies and a Jane-sized tea party!

She also got plenty of walking practice with this apparatus:Next was swimming in the backyard in her very own pool:

Then, dressed to the nines (in C.B.'s own design and creation) for a playdate with the gorgeous White Twins: Tyler and Harper:

Finally, Jane got reacquainted with her Christmas present- the fire truck....
and did some birdwatching with Grandpa MO:
Looks to me like she had a pretty good time.
She was truly confused when she saw me yesterday. It took a good 15 minutes for her to undertstand that I was back for good. She had clearly fallen completely in love with her grandbeavers and didn't necessarily want to leave them, but she warmed up to me again quickly and was an absolute angel for the much delayed flight back to NYC. All is back to normal. It was great to get away and we had an awesome time in Texas (Dad will post about that later), but we really missed our girl and are glad to have her back! Thanks to Mama & Papa Beav for the babysitting!
xo Winz

1 comment:

SMA said...

She grew all of a sudden!
Last week she still looked babyish and now here she is full grown tot!
Wow! It looks like she's making the most of it!