Thursday, March 25, 2010

Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines

Perused my brackets, I have exactly 4 correct sweet sixteen teams left in the fold - a personal worst. Nice to see the strong showing from the ACC, like ten and out. Tried to follow UNC and their quest for 65th place, ESPN doesn't even advertise that crap. Time to take up baking.

Saint Patty's Day make-up sesh:

Aerobics roll call and calisthetics gear:

FRENCH kids, expensive.

Mom and Juliet took the kids to the rodeo on Tuesday. Cowboys, Indians, stick meat.

Our first SXSW. HH2 and Eags visiting. Brilliant coaches.

Sub 50 degree stick dancing to Soft Pack.

Fucked Up.



The XX.


Stacy Park Sunday.

Looks like fishing in my future.

RIP Alex Chilton, heavens.

1 comment:

teg said...

photo 11 predicts real trouble for you, daddy.