Sunday, March 25, 2012


The night Mary Austin turned 3 months old,
she surprised us with 8 straight hours of sleep.
Since then, she's kept it up, even stretching it out
to 9 or 10 a couple of times. Love her!

As a reward, we tchotchke'd up a corner
of the guest room just for her.

Coco & Mo collaborated on the giraffe quilt... in 1973.
Tiny boots belonged to Daddy... in 1973.

Master of the 2-finger suck.

Looking big all of a sudden.

In awe of her sister's architectures and tin foil sculptures.

Its already hot here.
Go Heels!

1 comment:

bri.k.g.12 said...

I love your blog. (: Check out mine sometime!