Thursday, June 19, 2008

Jane of the Waking Universe

Learned about the five "s's" today:


If you bat for the cycle, the little lady is supposed to go down el foldo. I would offer my own version of the five:

Spit up party!
Somebody's hungry face
Serious diaper issue
Soccer time with daddy 4AM
Stroll me mister

We are totally kicking it at 88 India. Windsor, Grandma Beaver and I put up the wall of rock on the nursery wall exterior, feels like we're ready for poker night already.

Baby is all about traffic signals. This one means colon go.

Taco Tuesdays.

Sometimes you just have to take pictures of them to remind you that it really happened. My menthol peanut...

When I was this age, I was banana yellow and had double eye patches.

Took our first spin around the neighborhood in the pram. Had my first beer with baby in tow. This thing will be great for smuggling sixers in McCarren Park Pool.

Dad may get his magic TV tomorrow.

Somebody tell Mary Jane she has a niece.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Who ever thought Lady Windsor would ever use the term "spit up party!?"

I am loving reading this.