Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Ninjas / Foam Pants / Queen City Bomb Squad

We're in Charlotte. It was sixty when we landed, went down to like 20, and now on the mend. We're in the Little House, baby is in the nursery, main compound. Means dad's sleeping 9+ hours a night - brilliant result.

Manchester, what little I saw of it:

On Friday, WTB hosted the boys for the annual gift exchange, meat treat. New landmark achievements in present passing. Fedoras and nunchucks being highlights. Reliably, the chow was smashing. Less reliable, my turn at the card table.

New high chair in play now. Attempting solid-ish man food. Not a lot of traction there yet. But the outfits offset the effort.

Here's the toes to nose, foot trick.

Pageantry from the past two days:

And the Xmas eve kicker. Merry Christmas everyone. XO, A + W + J.

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