Monday, May 12, 2008

Baby Moon

Doc says we're having a 9+ pounder. This after a laying on of hands. We'll see, Grandmother Beaver predicts a tiny package. I'll go with 7.77. Sounds lucky.

Meanwhile, I was in Nantucket with my wild pack of family dawgs this weekend. Much needed. Beav can't fly cause she's too far along, so we hooked her up with a spa cycle and some movie money. There were shoe bags in the bedroom when I got home.

We left for the Cape Friday morning, 8 of us. Our host, the most handsome and generous AEB III, secured air transport direct from Teterboro. Bad ass. Here's the crew sprinting to the craft:

I may have been more excited than the girls. Toby aced me by rocking the sport jacket for the flight, Classy.

Weather was a touch dicey, we flew in moments before it starting raining sideways. The season doesn't start for another couple weeks, perfect timing for optimal donut avails. Trey, parking the plane:

Trois and the Dauphin supervising the sandwich assembly in the window box. Did a lot of napping in this spot.

Lucy letting me know my jokes need polish:

The manse...

Fashion shoot day two. The surf was massive. As will be the comments, I'm sure.

Pretty good looking crew here. I think everyone's wearing HH's workout wear.

Hard not to take all the pictures of these two:


Perfect form after the perfect storm. We went fishless.


Managed to win this one when no one else was trying.

We saw this cereal again!

Fabulous trip, fabulous company. A thousand thanks to the Beckster and Franci for having us up. I got a chance to do a little baby watching, wow, those little ladies are a lot of work. Good practice. I'm excited about the naps, less so about the early mornings.

Mom's belly got bigger *while away*. Missed my ladies.

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