Thursday, April 17, 2008

Mullet Day & the Lampshades

The goods have been pouring in to Klambake HQ since yesterday's post. The above was used by Chess King Men for the unveiling of their tux-for-toddler line, '88. Pretty sure no one made first base after the main event.

The above was sent to me with the caption, "french guys". Would date this around '92.

The below was our band publicity shoot. No amount of wacky captions will do justice to this genius.

Theme developing here:

Not sure if you can tell, but that's a pony tail. Emphasis on PONY.

Predicting massive interest in this thread...will upload thematically, as the evidence surfaces in the inbox. Bachelor Potty pics already being circulated in the underweb.

Also - Beav baby pictures a few clicks from realization.


1 comment:

Neal Hendrix said...

Good thing Eag's lady said yes before she saw these. Love it. Your yearning nostalgic for Lewisville strikes me as a mid-life crisis. I'll meet you on Pepperidge, give me a date and time...